premium mobile messaging provider

     Premium SMS Gateway Provider providing connectivity solutions for:

     - SMS / MMS / WAP / Premium VAS and Voice Services

     - Premium SMS connectivity to more than 250 network operators in 72+ countries.

     - Mobile Internet Billing / Direct Operator Billing in several countries

Various connection protocols supported:

 HTTP / HTTPS / XML / SMS 2 e-mail / e-mail 2 SMS
 UCP (EMI) / CIMD2 / SMPP V 3.4

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27.07.2024, 04.54 CET, Conn. not SSL (SSL)

SMS Gateway Provider
Open SMS Account Click here to create an account

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Recent news
  • Premium SMS Connectivity in 72+ countries, covering more than 250 network operators through a single API.

    New support for Malaysia, Indonesia and Israel.

    Premium SMS
  • New support for South Africa, UAE (United Arab Emirates) as well as 18 LATAM (Latin America) countries.

    Coverage list
  • For payout rates or other pricing information, please click here

    Request payout rates



Interactive Radio / TV & Media solutions

Interactive turnkey solutions for TV / Radio / Media houses

-> Interactive TV solutions
  • Turnkey solutions for Radio / TV-Stations and Media houses

  • Comprehensive portfolio of ready made full screen, split screen and teletext interactive formats

  • Complete graphics hardware and software platform installation and integration

  • White label formats and visual customisation to fit your corporate identity

  • Content creation and constant renovation

  • Business consulting and analysis for program potential

  • SMS and/or IVR (Interactive Voice Response) integration in countries we provide.

  • 24/7 technical support (our technical support is at your disposal 24/7/365 to solve any technical issues that our clients can stumble on)

    To receive further information on interactive solutions, please contact us.



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Don't let that happen!

We provide you with ready made interactive turnkey solutions to let your audience be part of your program.






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SIMM-Comm GmbH Switzerland (Schweiz)